Thursday, January 14, 2010

you know you belong on a farm when...

You are proud of the mud on your rain boots!

Haha :) I cleaned the chicken coop today. Now everything is tidy and in order.

I am being so productive today! So far I've written one and a half scholarship application essays and made a list of honors, extracurricular activities and work experience which is one of the requirements for this particular scholarship. By tomorrow my first scholarship application will be in the mail! Congratulations to me! I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere and reality is setting in that I really am graduating. It isn't going to be high school anymore. I'm good with that. High school is dumb :)

I have started saying its hard work graduating myself. Because that's exactly what it is. I have to graduate myself. Good grades, a complete portfolio, college and scholarship applications, plus a job and a life. Maybe no life, nevermind ;)

Btw, I was highly amused by how amusing everyone found my last post.

HA! I almost forgot. I am officially a UW Husky which is quite a relief!

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