Then I saw this picture. This is a Black Breasted Red Cubalaya Rooster. This is a rare breed, originating from birds of the Phillipines and bred in Cuba. They are said to be friendly, brave and good protectors which is exactly what I am looking for in a good rooster. They also have no spurs; that is a plus.
I have decided that I want a rooster. A rooster would protect my hens and be beautiful to look at. We have lots of potential predators and a bit of protection would be a very good idea.
I am sure you are wondering about my previous reason for not wanting a rooster. Roosters crow. Yes, I have thought of that and I for one do not care. Also, I suspect that someone just down the street from us does have a rooster. I can hear it crowing. I am planning to further investigate very soon. The sound doesn't bother me and as far as I know, no one else has complained. The rooster noise is still there indicating that the rooster has not been removed due to the complaints of rude neighbors who do not understand chicken people.
I'll post an update on my investigation into the current neighborhood rooster as soon as I dig up any new dirt (very chicken-like don't you think?).
1 comment:
I miss my roos I had. I love to hear them crowing! This one is very pretty.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :0)
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