Saturday, April 25, 2009

coop pictures

Here are some pictures of my chicken palace and beautiful nesting boxes. There may be some modifications made, such as covered nest boxes. Chickens appreciate a dark, "safe" place to lay their eggs. Understandable. Isn't is spectacular?

Friday, April 24, 2009

more names...

Buff Orpington- Buffy (original, i know. but it totally fits. there's nothing else to call her.)
Wyandotte- Matilda (possibly Tildy for short?)
Black Sexlink #2- Luna

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today we had a track meet against Todd Beamer. I ran the mile and PR'd by 19 seconds! 5:47!!! I am very proud of myself and am a firm believer that racing is 90% mental :) It was the best race I've ever run. I finally got my head in the game. I also had the fastest split in the 4x200 meter relay. Yay!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

that's not my name

I am in the process of renaming my chicks. Some of their baby names don't fit very well any more and I feel like they will need more respectable names since they will be hens eventually. So far the black sexlink with white toes has been renamed Rebekah (formerly Bolt). The lighter Rhode Island Red (formerly Jig) has been renamed Audrey (much better don't you think?). Rasberry, the darker Rhode Island Red will still probably be called Raspberry most of the time but I also want to call her Athena because it just fits. That leaves three chicks without suitable names. The Buff Orpington, Wyandotte and the other black Sexlink. Here is a list of possibilities: Maddy, Chloe, Lottie, Luna, Lucy, Molly and Matilda. I think Molly, Matilda and Luna are my favorites. Most likely the Wyandotte will end up Matilda and the black sexlink with no white toes will be Luna (which means moon if anyone was wondering). I love naming things :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

chick pics

Finally, here are some pictures of my peeps and their home ;)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

the coop

Today my dad and I started on a coop for my chickens. So far we've finished the four outer walls and the front wall of the actual chicken house. The coop is going to be a chicken palace. It's way more amazing than I imagined and my dad is a pro at building stuff. That always some in handy. Thanks Dad! Still to build: a door, nest boxes, a roost, the roof, not to mention buying a bigger feeder and waterer, primer and paint... We've still got a ways to go but it's so fun! I love having a project. I wasn't even bored when we went to home depot this morning to buy supplies. I am always bored at home depot. Anyway, here are some pictures of the coop in progress.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


On April 4th, 2009 I bought six chicks! Two are Rhode Island Reds, one is a Wyandotte, one is a Buff Orpington and two are black Sexlinks. I'll have pictures soon. So far they're growing quickly, getting their feathers and learning to fly. I'm planning to build a fairly large playhouse chicken coop, just in case I somehow end up with a few more chicks ;)

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